Strategic Marketing Solutions

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Jack Marketing Solutions™ has been involved in marketing strategy development, internationally, for many years, with great emphasis on links to the markets the companies operate in.

We regard strategic marketing as offering a major strength for your company. We have a strong ability to understand your company’s vision and convert this into a strategic marketing vision – combining the different competitive prioritiesresource constraints and issues, and many other influencers on a media marketing strategy.

We can offer a number of different solutions to suit your requirements, including:

  • General strategic marketing.
  • Market development strategies.
  • Market penetration strategies.
  • Marketing communications strategies.
  • Distribution strategies.

A strong, clear strategy enables faster and more effective decisions to be taken, allows greater buy-in across the business, and enables a framework to coordinate all other work. The strategy is developed in such as way that it can be updated on a regular basis, as an active part of the culture.

Any strategy developed with you by Jack Marketing Solutions™ will be underpinned by commonsense, and deliverability and will be easy to explain and illustrate to potential stakeholders.

To do this, we need to look at the core ‘purpose’ behind your marketing presence, to build on the strengths of your brand and customer base.

For example, it may be as simple as defining the core needs of a consumer web portal into the key purposes of SupportDiscovery, and Acquisition, as shown in the diagram. It may be about defining the right balance for the business between communication, culture, and community.

Strategic Marketing – Key Benefits

  • Longer-term visions give guidance to all marketing and business activities.
  • Combines developmentlaunchcommunication, and new product development policies.

Jack Marketing Solutions™ can undertake this work for you, and help you define your requirements and develop a brief. Contact us now to find out how we can help you release your strategic marketing potential.

Glossary: Added Value, Advertising, Audience, Balanced Scorecard, Benefit, Boston Box, Brand, Brand Essence, Brand Personality, Branding, Call to Action, Cash Cow, Collateral, Competitive Advantage, Corporate Identity, Corporate Reputation, CSR, CLVCustomer Relationship Marketing, DMU, DogsIntegrated Marketing Communications, KPI, Lifetime Value, Loyalty Programme, Market EntryMarketingMarketing CommunicationsMarket PenetrationMediaPositioning, Problem Child, Product Development Strategy, PLC, PR, Reputation Management, Return on Investment, Segmentation, SOSTAC, Star, SWOT, Targeting, Trust, Trust Lifecycle, USP, Wildcats

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