Print Marketing Solutions

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It doesn’t matter how good it looks, if a piece of print marketing communications doesn’t fulfill its purpose, it has failed.

Your print marketing may have every bit of information about your company, but is it losing the reader in a swathe of text, or worse still, irrelevant text and imagery?

Our sister company, Jack Communications Solutions™ designs around your corporate marketing communications objectives. We deliver clean, pleasing designs that work to complement and enhance your copy content. We can provide both copywriting and design services together.

The JMS™ Print Marketing Offer

Our services include:

Branding and identity

  • Logo.
  • Business cards.
  • Stationery.

Print marketing materials

  • Brochures.
  • Datasheets.
  • Customer case studies.
  • Flyers.
  • Advertisements.
  • PVC banners.
  • White papers.

We can also offer services to provide you with integrated and print marketing campaigns, combining the best of online media and offline media. Call us today to find out how we can help you release your print marketing potential.

Glossary: Accordion Insert, Advertising, Advertising Vehicle, AIDA, AIUAPR, Audience, Awareness, Bleed, Body Copy, Brand, Branding, Broadside, Bulk Mailing, Campaign, Card Deck, Collateral, Copy, Copywriter, Copywriting, Creative, DAGMAR, Direct Mail, Drop Amount, Fact Sheet, Four-Colour, Galley Proof, Gate Fold, Giveaway, Hickey, Logo, Marketing Communications, Registration, Registration Marks, Separation, Spot Colour, Stuffer, Tabloid, Teaser, Typography, White Paper, White Space

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