Infographics Marketing Solutions

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Visual information for marketing

Information graphics or infographics provide a graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge intended to present complex information quickly and clearly.

Infographics marketing is a useful tool because it turns historically lengthy and tedious volume of data in to something that’s much more interesting – ideal for Generation Y consumers. Infographics range from large to small, simple to complex and can be created and shared by marketers, mainly on social networks.

Research shows that the search volume for Infographics has increased by an amazing 800% in just two years, combined with the growth of visual social media streams (source:

Why use infographics for marketing?

  • They are easy to use
    Creating an infographic can be easier than writing a blog.
  • Grab attention
    They can capture the awareness of an audience where words alone may not.
  • Search engines love them
    Infographics work great with search engines, especially when they are socially shareable.
  • Viral marketing magnets
    Infographics are generally easy to share because they are attractive and informative.
  • Brand awareness
    By adding your logo and your website – you can increase your brand awareness and exposure.
  • Thought-leadership
    An infographic will demonstrate your subject knowledge.

Best practice in infographics marketing

  • Research all the relevant facts and statistics.
  • Identify your audience – what argument will appeal to them? Is it relevant?
  • Reference facts you use in your infographic.
  • Develop and present a coherent story – ideally with a storyboard.
  • Keep it simple – it will be easy to understand.
  • Decide on a colour scheme and typography.
  • Communicate your key message quickly and clearly.
  • Draw a compelling conclusion.
  • Include your contact details on your infographic so people know who made it.

The rules of infographics design

  • Plan and sketch
    Think about how you can visualise the information you have and how your audience will engage with it. Take your time on this stage.
  • Know how detailed the information should be
    Its too easy to make things over complicated, but also easy to dumb them down too much – know your audience.
  • Tell a story
    A good infographic tells a compelling story.
  • Be clever and humorous
    The more compellingclever and humorous the infographic, the more shareable it will be. But don’t force it, and remember some humour doesn’t travel!
  • Keep your objectives in mind
    Some images or language won’t work for some audiences – so if you’ve plan it carefully, you should deliver a great, appropriate infographic.
  • It’s not just about the graphics
    Good typography is also important, but do not mix too many formats and spoil a good message. Use the right mix of copy and graphics.

To maximise your infographics marketing impact, call Jack Marketing Solutions™ today at +44(0)203 397 3557.

Glossary: Added Value, AIDA, AIUAPR, Analytics, Audience, Awareness,, Blog, Blogger, Brand, Buzz, Call Out, Call to Action (CTA), Campaign, Collateral, Copy, Copywriter, Copywriting, Corporate Reputation, Creative, E-mail, E-mail Newsletter, Fact Sheet, Front of Mind, Galley Proof, Infographic, Lead Generation, Logo, Marketing Communications, Marketing Plan, Marketing Planning, Media Plan, Mindshare, Reputation Management, Search Engine, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Social Marketing, Social Media, Social Networking, Tag Cloud, Targeting, Teaser, Trust, Twitter Marketing, Typography, Viral Marketing, White Space, ZMOT

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