Your customers are at the heart of your digital marketing optimisation
Digital Marketing Optimisation is a key task in modern businesses, integrating the data and insights gained from customer profiles and web analytics into easily executed campaigns for display advertising, search, e-mail, and personalised recommendations through online, social, and mobile channels.
We all need to respond quickly and effectively to capture and retain the awareness of customers, marketers need the tools that allow them to easily execute and automate their marketing efforts, at a one-to-one level to provide relevant content and offers.
We use scientifically proven digital marketing methods to engage with your campaigns, drive more visitors to your website, and we optimise your website to make sure those visitors become paying customers that tell all their friends and come back for more.
The Jack Marketing Solutions™ digital marketing optimisation service provides support, insight, and actionable outcomes in the following areas:
- Reducing the complexities associated with integrating multiple vendors across all marketing channels and campaigns.
- Personalise and optimise display advertising campaigns.
- Execute highly targeted e-mail campaigns that link online profiles of visitors and customer activity.
- Improve your business results, reduce operational costs, and demonstrate returns on Pay-per-click (PPC) investments.
Digital marketing optimisation is a continuous process so we look at all the solutions within the digital marketing toolkit so that the results of any campaign you execute are analysed, measured, and reported back into your customer profiles and web analytics for optimal learning and performance management.
The benefits of choosing the JMS™ Digital Marketing Optimisation Solutions™
The digital marketing optimisation solution provides much more than just data, we strive to provide you with a future-proof insight into your business and your marketplace:
- Understanding consumer behaviour: knowing how consumers are identifying and engaging with your brand online. What are customers viewing and how are they viewing?
- Enhancing SEO & PPC: Ensuring that you rank above the competition and understand how to adapt to search becoming more social.
- Social media interaction: Tailor your digital marketing to the social media experience by engaging with the influencers in your communities.
- Multi-channel integration: Integrate digital channels to successfully use all available channels.
- DOOH: Using Digital Out of Home (DOOH) to complement your traditional marketing methods.
- E-mail, Video, Mobile: Maximise the benefits of these exciting channels and integrate them into your standard marketing efforts.
- Crystal ball: What’s next in digital marketing? How are you going to prepare for it?
We’ll optimise your digital marketing for the best possible return on investment. Contact us today at +44(0)203 357 3557 to maximise your digital marketing optimisation.
Glossary: A/B Testing, Ad Analytics, Ad Operations, AdCenter, Advertising, AdWords, Affiliate Marketing, Analytics, App, Audience, Backlinks, Banner Advert, Behavioural Data, Bid, Bounce, Campaign, Click Through, CLV, Conversion, Conversion Funnel, CPA, CPC, CRM, Data Mining, Database Marketing, Digital Footprint, Digital Marketing, Display Advertising, DOOH, Dwell Time, E-commerce, E-loyalty, E-mail Marketing, Google AdWords, Google AdSense, Inbound Marketing, Intent Data, Keywords, List, M-commerce, Metrics, Mindshare, Mobile Marketing, Multi-screen, Online Marketing, Online PR, PPC, Persona, Personalisation, Programmatic Buying, RTA, RTB, Relationship Marketing, Repeat Visitor, ROI, ROMI, ROAS, SEM, SEO, Shopping Cart, Social Marketing, Social Media, Video Marketing, Viral Marketing, White Hat SEO, YBN, Yahoo Pay per Click