The JMS SEO Thermostat™ 3

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Setting 3 – Website Optimisation

This is the area that most customers think SEO happens. It is true that optimising a web page is critical, but the work undertaken in the SEO Thermostat™ settings 1 and 2 often provide more benefit, and faster.

No one can guarantee a first place on a search engine ranking, and you should be wary of those guarantees, but employing experts can help you to increase your page rankingsincrease the traffic to your website and improve your conversion rates.

Jack Marketing Solutions™ look at all the elements thought to make up the highly secretive search engine algorithms to optimise your current web page performance and website optimisation.

The JMS Website Optimisation Solutions

The process Jack Marketing Solutions™ uses has two main outcomes:

  • Website Optimisation Report – This report can be used by your web developers to improve the performance of the pages.
    The cost of this service is £25 per page
  • Web Page Optimisation – We will assess each page, and tune the elements to provide you with optimal performance.

    The cost of this service starts at £40 per page

Glossary: Affiliate Marketing, Algorithm, Bid Listing, Black Hat SEO, Brief, Cost per Thousand, Cost per Click, Cost per Acquisition, Conversion Rate, Description, Disability Discrimination Act, Equality Act, Google Adwords, Google AdSense, Grey Hat SEO, Keyphrases, Keywords, Keyword Research, Landing Page, Link Building, Long-Tail Keywords, Meta Description, Meta Tag, Microsoft SEM, Organic Listings, PageRank, Rank, Page Title, Pay per Click, Popularity of Search Results, Programmatic Buying, Real-Time Bidding, Robots, Search Engine, Search Engine Marketing, Search Engine Optimisation, SEO Consultant, SEO Content Writer, SEO Copywriting, Spiders, Targeted Traffic, Titles, Web Analytics, Website, White Hat SEO, Yahoo Pay-Per-Click

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