Customer Relationship Marketing Solutions

Customer Relationship Marketing is all about your customer database. So whether you have a customer database of ten or ten million, you will need to store your customer information. The solution is a Customer Relationship Marketing (CRM) system, but a simple solution would be a contact database, which needn’t be too expensive, and this can be a simple as a business card file or box.

At Jack Marketing Solutions™, we have over 23 year’s experience identifying, defining and building all sizes of Customer Relationship Marketing or CRM systems to suit your requirements.

When looking to implement CRM, make sure you get the following right:

  • CRM projects must provide linkages across strategypeopleprocess, and technology.
  • CRM consultants must focus on ROI and quality and actively manage client expectations.

To identify your needs you can employ us to audit your database requirements and to define the customer relationship marketing and communications channels. The CRM Audit Solution™ involves:

  • Customer data evaluation.
  • Relationship strategy evaluation.
  • Direct communications evaluation.
  • Data privacy evaluation.
  • Company skills evaluation.

Customer Relationship Marketing – Key Benefits

  • Better targeting for marketing messages to the individual customer.
  • Consistency in marketing communications.
  • Increased customer interaction.
  • Financial benefits from increasing the opt-in and trading the names.

Once you established a usable, interactive and highly effective digital marketing environment, you have to start “sweating the asset”! One of the most successful areas to do this is the practice of Customer Relationship Marketing, and using it in a digital media channel (thus e-CRM).

We have had experience with dealing with world leaders in the development and implementation of the latest e-CRM solutions, some of which have proven time and again to drive phenomenal response rates. These cover a wide range of solutions to cater for all budgets and requirements.

It is, of course, much better practice to retain existing customers than acquire new ones, and the fundamentals of e-CRM involve liaising with customers in the right way at the right time, through the right media, regardless of the stage they are at in the lifecycle. We developed a simple model to demonstrate this.

Customer Relationship Marketing Audit service

Using the CRM Audit Solution™, we can offer you a comprehensive service. For more information, please visit our dedicated website.

Jack Marketing Solutions™ can undertake this work for you, and help you define your requirements and develop a brief. We are committed to the single goal of helping organisations gain more value from their new or existing CRM deployments, and become more customer-centric. E-mail us now for more information to find out how we can help you get closer to your customers. Contact us now to find out how we can help you release your Customer Relationship Marketing potential.

To download our Customer Relationship Marketing Solutions brochure, please click on the logo 

Why not read Thom’s book on Customer Relationship Marketing? It is designed to give you an insight into the world of CRM. Click on the image to link to the publisher’s site to buy the paperback or download (opens in a new window).

Glossary: 121 Marketing, A/B Testing, Analytics, Card Deck, Customer Database, Customer Lifetime Value, Customer Relationship Marketing, Customer Retention, Data Capture, Data Fusion, Data Mining, Data Protection Act, Database Cleansing, Database Marketing, De-Duplication, Digital Marketing, Direct Marketing, E-Privacy Directive, Interactive Marketing, List, List Broker, List Rental, Multivariant Testing, Opt-in, Opt-out, Partnership Relationship Management, Personalisation, Relationship Marketing, Return on Investment, Sample, Segmentation

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