Site Navigation Check-up

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Website Check-up Solutions

Whether you feel that your website needs major surgery or a minor facelift, it is useful to get an impartial expert’s opinion to get the most out of your investment, and avoid costly mistakes.

Jack Marketing Solutions™ have devised a cost-effective check-up for your website, where we examine your site in ten critical areas, and provide you with a report on how you can improve it with a tweek, or in the next redesign. If you then choose Jack Marketing Solutions™ to help you improve your website, we’ll credit your £75 evaluation fee towards developing it.

Our experts will personally look at your website and weigh its performance in ten critical areas – this section 5:

Site Navigation Aspects

  • Does the entry page have effective site navigation (i.e. menu, index, limited options)?
  • Is the site navigation between primary to secondary levels efficient (i.e. menus, returns)?
  • Is the site navigation within pages effective (i.e. overviews, listsheadingsanchors, return to top)?
  • Are helpful information retrieval tools (i.e. sitemapindexsearch engine) provided?
  • Is the site navigation appropriate for the audience?

See other criteria – please click here.

Jack Marketing Solutions™ can undertake this work for you, helping you define your requirements and develop a brief. For more information contact us now to find out how we can help release the potential of your site navigation.

Glossary: 200, 301, 302, 404, Awareness, Breadcrumb Navigation, Browser, Cached Link, Conversion Rates, Crawl Depth, Crawlers, Data Protection Act, Deep Linking, Digital Marketing, Disability Discrimination Act, Drop Down Menu, E-commerce, E-Marketing, Equality Act, Eye Tracking Research, Frames, Header, Hosts, Internet, Keywords, Link Building, Links, Mobile Marketing, Multimedia, Personalisation, Privacy, Privacy Policy, Search Engine, Shopping Cart, Sitemap, Spider, Spider Trap, Tracking, Tracking Study, Usability, Visitor Session, Web Accessibility Initiative, Web Analytics, Web Designs, Web Page, Website, XML Trusted Feeds

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