The founder and primary consultant at Jack Marketing Solutions™ is Professor Thom Poole.

Prof. Thom Poole
MSc, DipM, FCIM, MAM, MDigMA, ANLP, Chartered Marketer
Thom has lived, studied and worked in England, France, Germany, Switzerland and Liechtenstein, gaining international marketing and management experience with large blue-chip multinational companies, such as Hilti, Black & Decker, eBay, Google and O2.
Passionate about the opportunities the Internet revolution offers companies for marketing their goods and services, Thom has been using it for these purposes almost since it started, in 1993. He is passionate about marketing and reclaiming the Internet for ethical marketing.
He now uses his skills to support small and medium sized companies develop their own expertise in marketing – particularly around the cost-effective and easy to learn web-based options.
Thom has in-depth knowledge and experience in all the available Web-based marketing initiatives, from basic e-mail campaigns to more complex website development and search engine optimisation capability.
Thom’s professional qualifications and membership associations provide his clients with the confidence that he speaks with authority:
- Bachelor of Arts Degree in International Marketing Management.
- Chartered Institute of Marketing Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing.
- Master of Science Degree in Marketing.
- Accredited NLP Practitioner at ITS.
- Individual Chartered Marketer status since 1999.
- Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, where he served as the Chairman of the Surrey Branch, and on the South East England Regional Board.
- Visiting Professor of Marketing.
- Member of the Product Development Management Association, Strategic Planning Society, Digital Marketing Association, Marketing Society and Worshipful Company of Marketors.
- Author of “Play It By Trust: A Guide to Ethical Digital Marketing” – the book is finally available as a hardback or download – please visit the publishers Lulu for details, and many other marketing and business titles.

Thom is also a regular on the speaker circuit, with particular interest in speaking on ethical marketing, digital marketing, Web design for marketers and customer relationship marketing (CRM).
Now based in Shropshire, England – Thom has the knowledge to assist small and large companies, whether experienced or novices in marketing and Web strategies, in most major markets.
For a list of articles and biography listings by and about Thom, please click here for links. Thom also runs a blog on his own website – As a regular speaker on the circuit, Thom is often seen at trade shows, seminars, and conferences. To find out where Thom has appeared, please click here.
Click here to contact Thom.
Glossary: Advertising, Affiliate Network, Branding, Business to Business, Business to Consumer, Business to Government, Buzz Marketing, Campaign, Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), Chartered Marketer, Corporate Identity, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Customer Acquisition, Customer Relationship Marketing (CRM), Customer Retention, Database Marketing, Digital Marketing, Direct Marketing, E-commerce, E-mail Marketing, Guerrilla Marketing, Interactive Marketing, Internet, Internet Marketing, Key Account Management (KAM), Lead Generation, Market Research, Marketing, Marketing Communications, Marketing Planning, Mobile Marketing, Neuromarketing, Reputation Management, Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Social Marketing, Thom Poole, Trust, Trust Lifecycle, Trust Tornado, Trust Value Chain, Video Marketing, Website Developer, White Hat SEO, Worshipful Company of Marketors