Your Specialists In Marketing Presence Management

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Your marketing presence solutions maybe closer than you think

Jack Marketing Solutions (JMS) are specialists in marketing presence, experienced in on- and offline marketing management focused on providing small to medium sized businesses (SME) with world-class services to help them compete in the modern marketplace. We offer services that allow you to build your corporate, digital and physical presence – especially looking at the best mix of these.

With an impressive track record in delivering international marketing presence, we can help you build profitabletrustworthy relations with all your contacts. We have already helped hundreds of businesses from sole trader start-ups to some of the most famous global brands, on- and offline.

We have a range of services that will help you use your talents, combined with the latest technology instead of hiding behind it, to build rapporttrust and ultimately, your business. It is focused on what your customers need and expect; and what you are capable of doing. We call these marketing presence solutions ‘Signposts’ – directing you and your customers to the best relationship.

We operate as independent consultants – unfettered by any alliances with technology or service vendors. As such, we can offer you impartial advice that benefits you and your business – not the coffers of our partners. We can also work with other independent specialists to maximise the impact of your marketing. We undertake an audit of your marketing presence, activities and capabilities, and work with you to find the best solutions and suppliers for your business and your ambitions.

We will help you identify your key business signposts:

JMS can solve your business issues quickly and cost effectively, so call us now. Tel: +44 (0)203 397 3557

Click here to e-mail us today.

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